Shamanic Wisdom Summit - XAMÃSCONET

Online and free | 10-16 October 2015

Shamans sharing with you their best practices for empowerment, to develop better relationships, to improve your spirituality and open your consciousness with helpful information, workshops, secrets and essential knowledge.

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Bioshamanic Practices' Benefits

I used to say in my classes and consultancies that one of the best benefits of life is to live. A very important attitude to live nicely is to keep a positive intention, to put energy and attention into everything you want. Copying Lewis Caroll, "If you don't know where you're going, any road will do." I suppose you don't want any road and if you still don't know what you want maybe a positive intention can be "to find out and be sure of your purpose". We have a special class, step by step, regarding this topic.

The shamanic biopractices promote self-awareness, the ability to identify and overcome limitations. See some of the benefits you can have from the thoughts and practices that will be taught in this summit:

• You can increase your connection with the Higher Self, accepting your deepest instincts and align your own body's vibrations with nature's forces.

• You'll learn the "art and magic of the strong eye" and of the "whole heart" which will give you a new perspective setting your energy to the co-creation of a successful life.

• You'll have revelations, you will find more pleasure in life and a simple approach to development, guidance and spiritual orientation.

• You'll learn to deal with crisis, changes and to trust in your intuition, and be able to understand the human beings.

• You'll learn to strengthen your personal power and to use your own energy to create positive transformations to your benefit, and also other people's and the Planet's benefit.

• You'll have the opportunity to make powerful Spiritual Allies and to cultivate focus, courage, creativity, order, strength, organization, clearness and to increase decision power.

• You'll learn to be calmer, more centered and to see things in a simple way, honoring your own life, all your relations and all that is around you.

• You'll become conscious of the cycles of life, identifying them in your daily life and will wake up to natural wisdom in dealing with it.

Shamanic Wisdom Summit - XAMÃSCONET

Have you ever imagined having at home classes with the best Brazilian and international Shamanic experts? Can you imagine having more than 60 high quality lectures that can really change your life? Would you like to be in touch with Great Shamans sharing their best practices to empower yourself, to improve your Spirituality and open your Consciousness? We have prepared for you the Shamanic Wisdom Summit. The best Shamans sharing their journeys, secrets and wisdom!

It's free!!

All lectures will be displayed for free at predetermined time in 10 - 16 October 2015 (see schedule).

On line transmission

For your convenience, the transmission of the Shamanic Wisdom Summit will be on line and available from any computer.

Be prepared

In order for you not to miss anything, we'll let you know in advance through email when the lectures will start. But remember to subscribe, it's free!

The Creator

Shamanic Wisdom Summit's Creator:

"My purpose in life is to inspire, awake and empower people to achieve their highest dreams and encourage spiritual development with wisdom, love and respect through integrative dynamic, creative education and intelligent communication co-creating a better world."

Samuel Souza de Paula. Educator, Author and Consultant. Creator and host of the talk show "Consciência Próspera" (Prosperous Consciousness) and host of shamanic program "Sinais de Fumaça" and "Espiritualidade Natural" (Smoke Signals and Natural Spirituality) - both web shows. Spiritual man, researcher of ancient and modern techniques, directed to personal growth. Author of books: "Pepitas de Amor" (Love Nuggets); "Avatar – Jornada do Herói, Arquétipos e Símbolos" (Avatar - Hero's Journey, Archetypes and Symbols) and "Práticas Bioxamânicas – Despertar das Capacidades Interiores" (Bio-Shamanic Practices - Awakening the inner capacities). Producer of a Shamanic chantings CD – "Por todas as nossas relações" (For all our relations).



SATURDAY, October 10th , 9 AM US Eastern Time

Shaman Sapaim of Kamayurá (Brazil) is one of the most renowned healer in the country. He became famous in the 80s when healed in Rio de Janeiro, naturalist Augusto Ruschi, who had been poisoned by a native amazon frog. Since then he began to meet many national and international celebrities such as Xuxa and Leonardo di Caprio. The Shaman Sapaim is the Shaman-chief of the Xingu and belongs to a special category of shamans because he did not learned his craft from another Shaman, but from a "Mamaé" - Spirit Guide.


SATURDAY, October 10th, 11 AM US Eastern Time

Kayrrá Kariri-Xocó (Brazil), A Indian from the Kariri-Xocó Tribe (State of Alagoas). Since 2006 he spread the Indian Culture in schools in the southeast of Brazil, telling stories about life in the Indian village, the Toré (an Indian ceremony), the sacred chants, dances and rituals. He specializes in energetic cleansing with herbs, rattle and pipe.


SATURDAY, October 10th, 1 PM US Eastern Time

Carminha Levy (Brazil) Carminha Levy (Brazil) Initiated in shamanism in 1981 by Michael Harner, in Esalen. A Master Shaman, she is founder of the first school of Neoshamanism in Brazil, the Paz Géia – Instituto de Pesquisas Xamânicas, where the basic pedagogy is the integration of Psychology, Anthropology and the Sacred Wisdom of the Shaman. She is an honorary member of Shamanic Studies Foundation. Has over 4,000 hours of congresses, lectures, workshops and shamanic journeys in Brazil, USA, Bahamas, Portugal, Findhorn in Scotland and France. Author of the books "A Sabedoria dos Animais", "As Cartas Sagradas da Madona Negra & Divino Espírito Santo" and "A Mãe Possível".


SATURDAY, October 10th, 3 PM US Eastern Time

Léo Artése (Brazil), Holistic Therapist, Acupuncturist, studious of Shamanism, initiated in the U.S., Peru and Brazil. Conducts Shamanic ceremonies, rituals, study groups and courses since 1990. Founder and Director of Centro de Estudos de Xamanismo Vôo da Águia. Founder and President of Centro Eclético da Fluente Luz Universal Céu da Lua Cheia. Creator of the site Author of the books "O Vôo da Águia –Uma Iniciação aos Mistérios e Magia do Xamanismo" and "O Espírito Animal".


SATURDAY, October 10th, 5 PM US Eastern Time

Patricia Aguirre (Brazil), Introduced Carlos Castañeda's Tensegridade (energetic movements) in Brazil and is Instructor of Being Energy, which is related to Castañeda's teachings. Psychotherapist with experience in educational and in-company trainings. She leads personal development and body practice groups (Qi Gong, Taoist Yoga). And also participates of environmental and sustainable groups (Gaia Education) and of EcoBairro Project.


SATURDAY, October 10th, 6 PM US Eastern Time

Claudio Quintino Crow (Brazil), Professional musician, independent researcher of mythology. Instructor of druidism, Celtic spirituality and Irish culture. Writer, author of books "O Livro da Mitologia Celta" and "A Religião da Grande Deusa". Member of ABEI (The Brazilian Association of Irish Studies). Translator and technician of English teaching. He was trained and initiated in Celtic Shamanism with John Matthews in 2001, also trained in Bardics arts with Emma Restall Orr (British Druid Order) in 2002.


SATURDAY, October 10th, 7 PM US Eastern Time

Tony Paixão (Brazil), Master of Sweat Lodge ceremonies of Cheyenne Tradition, was initiated in native tradition in 1989. Researcher of natural healing techniques, has developed his work in several European countries, giving lectures in the University of Tarragona, Spain, and also France and in Belgium. He was one of the introducers of the sweat lodge in Rio de Janeiro and is co-founders of Centro de Estudos Xamânicos, R.J. He received teaching from Spiritual Chief Road Man Cheyenne, Nelson Turtle, Half Moon Tradition. An expert craftsman, founded Atelier Art Tatanka in 1992, in order to redeem and preserve the ancestral wisdom in the making of ritual objects used by North American natives.


SATURDAY, October 10th, 8 PM US Eastern Time

Carlos Sauer (Brazil) Founder of Centro de Estudos Xamânicos (Shamanic Study Center). Massotherapyst by Esalen Institute, Big Sur, California (U.S.) where he was also initiated in Shamanism in 1986 by anthropologist Michael Harner. Carlos Sauer introduced the Sweat Lodge in Brazil in 1988, at Sítio das Tocas, Rio de Janeiro, and developed his own technique of shamanic healing inspired by the North American Shamans and by the Spiritual Massage introduced in Brazil by his sister Maria Lucia Sauer. He conducts shamanic workshops in Brazil, U.S. and Europe.


SATURDAY, October 10th, 9 PM US Eastern Time

Zezito Duarte (Brazil) "Blue Eagle" (or Tatsu) is a pioneer in Brazil and Latin America working with Medicine Wheels and teaching with Crystals Beings since 1981, and the teachings and ceremonies with Sweet Medicine and Wachuma (San Pedrito Cactus) since 1986. And after 2000, working with Ayuaska and Kambô. He founded in 1986 "Riachinho – Instituto de Educação Pesquisas e Utilização das Energias Naturais" in Chapada Diamantina. Transits by technical worlds, and civil engineer by training, and dream time as medicine man initiated by the red people. . At Fazenda Riachinho he works with agroEcology, agroForest and receives young people for camping and teaching to always walk in harmony and beauty the paths of Grandmother Earth. He leads ceremonies with the Sweet Medicine such as Inipi – Sweat Lodge, Crystal Mandala, The Seven Arrows among others.


SUNDAY, October 11th , 9 AM US Eastern Time

Carlos Prado (Brazil) Creator of Escuela Inkari de Medicina Tradicional, since 1995 recognized as a public utility by the Bolivian government. Healer, shaman, he lives to teach and preserve this millenary culture. He represents the Kechua people, one of the three main ethnics of the Inca Empire. For many years has been a naturist medical doctor in Cochabamba, Bolivia, and has founded a NGO called KU.S.KA that is involved in the health, education and ecologic fields. The name is a short for Kuska Sumaj Kausanapaj, which means "Together to Live Better" in kechua.


SUNDAY, October 11th, 11 AM US Eastern Time

Cesar Cruz (Brazil) Descendant from gypsys and Brazilian Indians, he has been living in a mystic and magic world of healers. Following the philosophy of the Native Path, for 20 years has been a healing channel for superior Beings. Therapist, master of ceremonies, creator of the "Círculo Sagrado" movement, which aims to redeem and awake the interior healer. He gives lectures, courses, shamanic workshops and sacred meetings in different parts of Brazil.


SUNDAY, October 11th, 1 PM US Eastern Time

Sergio Frug (Brazil) astrologer, worked for Caras magazine for 17 years. Since 1994 participates frequently and eventually focuses on various practices derived from the original wisdom of Native American Indians, as the Sweat Lodge, native american dances. Leads the medicine wheel "yere Arapuã" , an energizing and healing work based on shamanic traditions.


SUNDAY, October 11th, 3 PM US Eastern Time

Adriana Ocelote (Brazil) Coordinates the Centro Tlalli Moã de Medicinas da Terra. She is a studious of plants' healing properties and practices traditional indigenous therapy. She follows the Red Path and Temazkalera. She received teachings and medicine from Native American traditions. She's now working with feminine circles, ancestral ceremonies, and with the earth medicines and the preservation and teaching of ancestral wisdom.


SUNDAY, October 11th, 5 PM US Eastern Time

Mama Andrea Herrera Atekokolli (Chile/Ecuador), spiritual leader and healer, she was in charge of rescue, study and spread knowledge of female blood and its relationship with Mother Earth. Author of book "Diario Lunar Mi Sangre". Born in 1956, where he has lived for 30 years, at the foot of Máma Ilaló. Social Worker, studies in clinical psychology and communication, consultant on gender and multiculturalism, passionate broadcaster with international prize. Txana Ixã ( ) a Huni Kuin healer. He has a deep knowledge of forest medicines, is one of the main leaders of his people and dedicated his life to diets and spiritual studies. Teaches profound spiritual teachings through stories telling, from generation to generation, in a playful manner, recover lost values and reveal the identity and age-old wisdom of a guardian people of the Amazon rainforest.


SUNDAY, October 11th, 6 PM US Eastern Time

Rogério Favilla (Brazil) Holotherapist, teacher and founding member of Núcleo de Estudos Transdisciplinares Scientia Una and of the project Transcultural Scientia Una – Ethnomusic. Colaborates with Centro de Estudos Xamânicos-R.J. and is honorary member of Native American Church and leader of Cheyenne Tradition Sweat Lodge of Nelson Turtle.


SUNDAY, October 11th, 7 PM US Eastern Time

Ramy Shanaytá (Brazil) Director and Founder of Instituto KVT, Elder of the millenary tradition Tubakwaassu, teacher, lecturer, writer and anchor of the "A Natureza Ensina" Show. Researcher of bioscience and health sciences, consultant for etnobothanical, ethnopharmacist research for laboratories, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. He is founder of Instituição Filantrópica e Cultural Ará Tembayê Tayê, Phyto KVT and Editora KVT. Teacher of phytotherapy, phytochemistry, phytocosmetics. He develops and spread indigenous and native phytotherapy, is a therapeutic teacher of natural techniques and practices of integrative and complementary health practices. He unites the millenary wisdom to modern scientific knowledge.


SUNDAY, October 11th, 8 PM US Eastern Time

Wilson Gonzaga (Brazil) He is a Psychiatrist Medical Doctor and has more than 30 years of experience as a Consultant for companies, and that helped him to know and understand the fundamental basis of any company: the human being. His experience as entrepreneur at Instituto Hermes gave him deep practice as an executive who lives the daily problems' challenge. As Consultant for executives from public and private business, he very well knows the daily problems they deal. As a lecturer, he has spoken at business conventions, academies and great events. He regularly attends congresses, seminars and conferences both national and international which deal with human development. Collaborates with magazines, newspapers and sites in Brazil and frequently appears on TV and radio. He has a weekly participation at Amazon Sat, talking about body and mind health.


SUNDAY, October 11th, 9:22 PM US Eastern Time

Shane and Melanie Seibel (USA) lives are led by the spirit through the way of the Sundance. Sundance is a ceremony that brings people together in a harmonious manner. The man and the woman, along with the family work together to confront challenges and connect with spirit to guide us through our everyday lives Shane and Melanie are both enrolled Southern Ute Tribal members. Residing on the Southern Ute Reservation. We are committed to do our best to transform energy into a balanced way of life. We participate in sweat ceremony, Beardance, Sundance and everyday life to celebrate the Great Spirit.


MONDAY, October 12th , 9 AM US Eastern Time

Gustavo Vivanco Elias Ortiz (Peru) Priest and Andean Master of Yatir Tradition, a pre-Inca tradition of over 3,000 years. He is speaker on Andean Culture and Spirituality, in Cusco, Machu Picchu, Lima in Peru and also in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He has made several initiations in those places, rituals to the Pacha Mama, Mother Earth, energy cleansings and sharing the Andean divination art.


MONDAY, October 12th, 11 AM US Eastern Time

Lukas Budimir (Germany), after dancing the Long and Drum Dances for several years, in 1993 built its first Sound Chamber and danced his first Sun Moon Dance in New Mexico. Lukas went through all aspects of dance - as chief, dog soldier, sun father and kitchen staff. He has organized several dances for the visionary Joseph Rael. His experience and dedication to follow the visions of Joseph helps him to fall in love with life. He now lives in Denmark with Marina Budimir working on the creation of the Community Chamber.


MONDAY, October 12th, 1 PM US Eastern Time

Eveli Pitá Yuerá (Brazil) Guardian of the Blue Circle Wisdom, holistic healer and plastic artist since the 80's. Formation in Reiki, liturgical plants, crystal therapy, Phyto-therapy. She uses holistic techniques for mental, physical and energetic health. With the knowledge of Quantic Physics, the Blue Stone Circle is a set of therapeutic and educational techniques recognized and presented in NGOs and organizations such as Budapest Club, Willis Herman House and World Social Forum.


MONDAY, October 12th, 3 PM US Eastern Time

Alexandre Meireles (Brazil) Anthropologist, Babalorixá and Master Shaman. He is founder of Aldeia Círculo das Tradições, dedicated to shamanic practices. For 18 years is director of Centro de Umbanda Círculo de Irradiações Espirituais São Lázaro. Student and lover of both Umbanda and Shamanism, idealizer of their union, gave birth to "Xamanbanda", which has shamanic rites and devotional practices to the Orixás. Alexandre has been sharing his knowledge in various towns in Brazil as well as in Germany, Ireland and Mozambique.


MONDAY, October 12th, 5 PM US Eastern Time

Denis Rojas (Brazil) Coaching with Shamanic approach. Was initiated in the teachings of the Sacred Red Path by Joseph Rael, Beautiful Painted Arrow, American Native belonging to Ute and Picuris pueblos. He is Drum Chief in the ceremonies and sacred dances held in Brazil by Felicity MacDonald. He teaches and consults with the Cards of the Sacred Path and the Shamanic Cards, Animal Power. As leader of shamanic ceremonies, he conducts Medicine Wheels, Drum Wheels, VisionQuests with Drum, Search for Animal Power, Sweat Lodges, making of drums and dream catchers, Sacred Fire dances and Ho'oponopono workshops.


MONDAY, October 12th, 6 PM US Eastern Time

Bo Montenegro (USA) is a filmmaker, photographer, writer and an historian/researcher on Native American traditions and Tibetan Buddhism. He teaches classes and workshops in North and South America. Author of book "Into the West". He lives in Sedona, Arizona.


MONDAY, October 12th, 7 PM US Eastern Time

Ernani Fornari (Brazil) A writer with 10 books published in the fields of Ecology, AgroEcology, Natural Nourishment and Therapies, among them, "Fogo Sagrado" and "Alinhamento Energético". He is a musician and composer and has 5 CDs with ecological and spiritual themes. In 1998 he started to work with Shamanis. The Krenaks gave him the name Guererê (lizard) and the Fulni-ô call him Tchleka (Nature's father). In 2003, he learnt the shamanic energetic therapy "Alinhamento Energético" with Monica Oliveira, with whom he worked for 5 years in Brazil and in Europe, with thousands of consultations and forming hundreds of therapists, and helping her to build the structure of her philosophy and methodology of work and teaching. Gabriela Carvalho (Brazil) A Yoga Instructor with degree in Energetic Alignment. She has worked in Brazil and in other countries. She also works with Systemic and Organizational Constellations and Kinesiology.


MONDAY, October 12th, 8 PM US Eastern Time

Lino Py (Brazil) Physiotherapist and Tai Chi Chuan teacher. Started to study Shamanism over 20 years ago. In the nineties he spent a few years in the U. S. participating of different shamanic rituals of the Native American Church. Back in Brazil, started associating shamanic healings with scientific phytotherapic treatments. Since then, conducts shamanic rituals in Brazil.


MONDAY, October 12th, 9 PM US Eastern Time

Sweet Medicine Nation (Chickasaw / Choctaw / USA) is a talented artist, educator, singer, storyteller who guides with passion, goodness, eloquence, wisdom and sacred humor, awakening us to the holy present realities everywhere. She give lectures and do workshops, uniting cultural anthropology and the symbolism of comparative religions. She is the founder and executive director of the Four Winds Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to education and sustainability of the natives. It offers educational programs in many countries, as well as national museums, churches, civic groups and public and private schools. His vision is reinforced in assisting the next generation towards "see with native eyes."


TUESDAY, October 13th , 8 AM US Eastern Time

Tata Tata Ruben K'eri Rubén Sánchez Zacapu (Mexico) born in the mountains of Tancítaro, Michoacán, Mexico, he is medicine man with deep knowledge of the mexicanidad tradition. Lecturer at several universities of Mexico, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), University of Guadalajara, Meritorious Autonomous University of Puebla (BUAP), University Michoacana de San Nicolas Hidalgo (UMich). Ethnicity: P'uerhépecha


TUESDAY, October 13th, 11 AM US Eastern Time

Maraakame Jose Bautista Carrillo (Mexico) "Caballo Pinto", the San Andrés Cohamiata community, Jalisco, Mexico. In his community has exercised all traditional positions and charges, governor, jicarero, musician, cantador, maraakame. He is a craftsman and spiritual leader of his people with over 68 years of experience. He is considered Kawitero (Elder) and a great narrator of knowledge and Wixárika tradition. Joaquín Bautista Carrillo (Mexico) is guardian of the sacred place Wixárika, Xapawiyameta. Craftsman and Jicarero, he is the cultural representative of their community and has organized several meetings to promote culture. Ethnicity: Wixárika


TUESDAY, October 13th, 1 PM US Eastern Time

Timberê Aryanã (Brazil) Grandson of a "benzedeira" (faith healer) who taught him the use of medical herbs, prayers, rituals and natural healing. In 1993, he was taught by Shaman Juan Uviedo (inspirer of Castañeda's works) and began his journey on the ancient native knowledge and received the name Shaman Timberê - the one who naturally conducts energy. He now works as leader of ceremonies, therapist and as carrier of Aryanã wisdom.


TUESDAY, October 13th, 3 PM US Eastern Time

Akaiê Sramana (Brazil) Master Shaman, founder of Aldeia de Shiva – Centro Espiritualista Universal Xamânico Ancestral and of Templo Terra Xamã. Author of the books "Xamanismo Ancestral – O Legado da India Antiga", " Xamanismo Quântico – O Legado do Xamã" and "Xamanismo Holográfico – O Legado da Estrela", His experience in the sacred paths of Oriental and Ocidental Shamanism resulted in the foundation of the Sagrada Tradição Xamanismo Ancestral. Musician, recorded CDs Jaya Ahow – Cânticos Sagrados da Aldeia de Shiva and Urucum Vermelho.


TUESDAY, October 13th, 5 PM US Eastern Time

Irineu Deliberalli (Brazil) is a traditional Psychologist, studied Psychodrama, Jung, N.L.P. and Past Lives Regression. Transpersonal/Shamanic Psycologist, Shamanic therapist, harmonizes the subtle bodies, equilibrates chakras and teaches Traditional Reiki system Mikao Usui Reiki.


TUESDAY, October 13th, 6 PM US Eastern Time

Roanna Jackson (USA) Hopi Grandmother from Walpi Village, First Mesa. Bo Montenegro (USA) is a filmmaker, photographer, writer and an historian/researcher on Native American traditions and Tibetan Buddhism. He teaches classes and workshops in North and South America. Author of book "Into the West". He lives in Sedona, Arizona.


TUESDAY, October 13th, 7 PM US Eastern Time

Bull Muitos Cavalos (Brazil) Shante Washte Witchacha (Men with a good heart, named by the Lakota chief Wakia Um Manee), Guardian of native traditions, master of ceremonies of the sweat lodge (Cheyenne tradition), composer, instrumental musician and singer, craftsman, Reiki level III, civil engineer. Bill (Brazil) guardian of native traditions, master of ceremonies of the sweat lodge, (Cheyenne tradition), composer, percussionist and singer, craftsman, Reiki level III, Agricultural Sciences degree.


TUESDAY, October 13th, 8 PM US Eastern Time

Felicity Macdonald (Argentina) was born in Argentina, educated in England and feel her heart is Brazilian. It is a leader of shamanic ceremonies, iniciated in the sacred red path by Joseph Rael, Beautiful Painted Arrow, Native American visionary of Ute and Picuris Pueblos. She is leader of Ceremonies and Dances: Sun Moon Dance, Drum and Dance Long Dance in Brazil.


TUESDAY, October 13th, 9 PM US Eastern Time

Maria Alice Campos Freire (Brazil) born in Rio de Janeiro in 1953, the daughter of a family from Ceará and Minas Gerais. She has two daughters and four grandchildren. As a child expressed great affinity with plants and nature´s enchanted beings. She is an educator and devoted herself to education in low-income communities and the rescue of cultural bias in the reconstruction of the life quality of these populations. Her mission led her to travel the world. On the African continent, she met her ancestral roots and awakened to research the healing power of plants. Back in Brazil, found her spiritual path in Umbanda, the integration of Native American, African and Christian traditions. Following in the footsteps of her ancestors, she was brought to the Amazon, in order to deepen her initiation with Santo Daime. She lived for 23 years in the forest, in the spiritual community called Céu Mapiá, where she developed considerable work as a healer, social entrepreneur and educator. She is one of the founders of Medicine of the Forest Centre, NGO dedicated to the research of traditional knowledge about healing plants in the Amazon, education and training of young people, is co-tuner of the essences of the Amazon Flower and today she is member of the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers, which, since 2004, travels the world, carrying the seed of peace and preservation of Mother Nature and the traditional modes and territories of the original people.


WEDNESDAY, October 14th , 9 AM US Eastern Time

Samuel Souza de Paula (Brazil). Educator, Author and Consultant. Creator and host of the talk show "Consciência Próspera" (Prosperous Consciousness) and host of shamanic program "Sinais de Fumaça" and "Espiritualidade Natural" (Smoke Signals and Natural Spirituality) - both web shows. Spiritual man, researcher of ancient and modern techniques, directed to personal growth. Author of books: "Pepitas de Amor" (Love Nuggets); "Avatar – Jornada do Herói, Arquétipos e Símbolos" (Avatar - Hero's Journey, Archetypes and Symbols) and "Práticas Bioxamânicas – Despertar das Capacidades Interiores" (Bio-Shamanic Practices - Awakening the inner capacities). Producer of a Shamanic chantings CD – "Por todas as nossas relações" (For all our relations).


WEDNESDAY, October 14th, 11 AM US Eastern Time

Mauro Inu Yube (Brazil), more than 20 years of interest in shamanism and power plants, a member of the Santo Daime doctrine, the Holistic Circle Ark of Blue Mountain, the Nawi Olinkan and a Huni Kuin guardian. During this period he attended hundreds of ceremonies and rites of passage in the city and in the forest. In recent years it has been dedicated to supporting and promoting the cultures and medicines of the forest people, especially Huni Kuin and Yawanawa, having participated in the organization of festivals, meetings, ceremonies and exhibitions. It is a founding member of the IGF Guardians Institute of Forest and TXAI - Shamanic Traditions of Indigenous America.


WEDNESDAY, October 14th, 1 PM US Eastern Time

Armando Austregésilo (Brazil) Creator of the "Shamanic Massage – Massage of the Seasons", collaborator of the site, has a Master in Education, Post graduated in Dance and Physical Education. Yoga Instructor by UniYoga since 1975. Massotherapy formation by P. Ling, Rio de Janeiro. Teaches Oriental Massage since 1976 and is author of the books "Massagem e Sensibilidade" and "Curso de Massagem Oriental".


WEDNESDAY, October 14th, 3 PM US Eastern Time

Monica Jurado (Brazil) Actress, architect, anchorwoman and meditation practitioner for 33 years, leaded many retreats and training in Brazil, U.S., Argentina, Chile and Venezuela. From 1999 to 2006 she dedicated herself to Yoga of the Dreams. She specialized in voice use techniques and use of shamanic drumming in Meditation. She coordinated the voluntary project "Almas em Movimento", in the State Capital Feminine Penitentiary, from 2008 to 2013, in search of rescuing the dignity and essence of Brazilian and foreign women through meditation and relaxation with drums, voice and dance.


WEDNESDAY, October 14th, 5 PM US Eastern Time

Marcus Fraga (Brazil) Craftsman of shamanic drums. Shamanic therapist, master of Inpi ceremonies (sweat lodge), Medicine Wheel and Chanupah (sacred pipe). Well known for his work, has built drums for the most important shamans in Brazil and in the world. He conducts workshops and seminars on drums and shamanism.


WEDNESDAY, October 14th, 6 PM US Eastern Time

Sthan Xanniã Tehuan Tepelt (Brazil) Visionary, mystic shamanic therapist. He developed the medicine of the Soul Ressound where he reads, analyzes and makes a psychophysical map of the person and prevents, cares for and cures the maladies of modern life. He also studied floral therapy, phytotherapy, aromatherapy, crystal therapy and biogymnastics. Since 1980 has been developing the knowledge medicine. He travels Brazil, Europe and U.S. holding ceremonies and workshops for distinct groups.


WEDNESDAY, October 14th, 7 PM US Eastern Time

Athamis Bárbara (Brazil) Shamanic therapist, initiated in the Ojibway Tradition, is founder of Nowa Cumig – Centro de Tradições Nativas. She leads ceremonies and transition rituals for both men and women and has for many years have shared her knowledge of Native Traditions teaching courses in Rio de Janeiro and other Brazilian state capitals, as well as in France and Belgium. She travels in North and South America regularly, teaching ancestral healing techniques, teaching how to make traditional drums, leading shamanic journeys through the sound of the drum, retrieving souls and teaching sacred dances.


WEDNESDAY, October 14th, 8 PM US Eastern Time

Patricia Pinna Bernado (Brazil) Author of several books, has a degree in Psychologist and Art Education, postdoc in Creative Mythology and Art Therapy, Doctor and Master in Psychology, a researcher of creativity, creative mythology and of resources in therapy, education and in groups for creativity development for all ages. Works as coordinator and teacher of Post-Graduation in Art Therapy. She teaches at UNIP university since 1995.


WEDNESDAY, October 14th, 9 PM US Eastern Time

Sylvie Shining Woman (France) Medicine Woman Kunhã Karaí. She works in Europe, Central America and Brazil, where she lives for more than 30 years. Her teachings are strongly influenced by Shamanism in which she was initiated in the 80's by healers that brought elements that gave meaning to her search. She always searched for and incorporated teachings from different cultures constantly amplifying her vision of the Universe. She learned from american, chinese, sufis, toltecas, mayans, hindu and Tibetan masters.


THURSDAY, October 15th , 9 AM US Eastern Time

Elebuibon Ogunbiyi Omobobola (Nigeria) is a young priest of Ifa Osogbo, Nigeria. Son of the famous Ifa priest Araba ifayemi Elebuibon, he began to learn about Orisa at a very young age, with his family, then he went to Ifa Heritage Institute, Oyo, Nigeria to learn more about Ifa and African diaspora. Ogunbiyi is the founder of the temple 'ILE BARAPETU "which is now in many countries such as Nigeria, USA and Ecuador. It has carried out several visits to other countries to teach and share knowledge about the traditional Yoruba religion.


THURSDAY, October 15th, 11 AM US Eastern Time

Otan Patrick Ford (Brazil) Healer for more than 40 years. His work began in the USA as a licensed psychotherapist in both the clinical and transpersonal (traditional) fields and progressed into the area of mentoring and coaching. His training and work also evolved into breath and energy work. Through the influence of Joseph Campbell and Carl Jung, he emerged into shamanic practice during the early 1990's. During this time, he served as the personal assistant for the Spiritual Chief of the Cherokee Nation. He also studied with the longtime shamanic teacher and author, and paleo-anthropologist, Hank Wesselman. Otan relocated to Brazil in December 2013 to be closer to its indigenous cultures.


THURSDAY, October 15th, 1 PM US Eastern Time

Rosa Desidere e Avelino Capelos (Brazil) Therapists, have for many years dedicated to study and learn therapies, many times with natives of Brazil and North America. They are Masters of Shamanic Reiki and Shamanic Therapy, with focus in soul retrieve (American Native therapy) and Energetic Alignment (Guarani culture); transdimensional theatre; retrieve and integration of the animal totem; shamanic massage called "Sky Path", a native American technique; reading of the aura and personal energies; making of the annual personal totem based on shamanic cards of the sacred path and animals of power; dream catchers (grandmother spider medicine) and rattles; Reflexology; field reading and energizing with crystal. They are Reiki Masters in Usui, Kahuna Reiki (spiritual surgery) and TeraMai Reiki systems. Also professionals in Feng Shui, with specialization in ancient techniques – energetic cleansing and harmony of spaces (oriental and shamanic techniques), working also with radiestesy, geoacupuncture and radionic table. Rosa Desideri is also a Tarot master using various oracles for 28 years, especially shamanic cards, Osho's zen tarot which is used as therapeutic tarot. Avelino Capelos also works with cabalistic numerology.


THURSDAY, October 15th, 3 PM US Eastern Time

Ninon Cramer (Brazil) Craftsman and studious of Shamanism, has received the mission to make and to teach how to make drums. And he's been doing it for more than 15 years. More than a thousand drums were maiden in Brazil and in other countries. He learned Shamanic Cosmo Vision with Juan Uviedo, a shaman who lived in Ecuador with the Jivaro people and that amplified his work in the human development area, with the reading of maps made according to Energetic Cosmology and the use of stones which activate our brains so we can find new paths in the "Jogo das Pedras" (Stone's Oracle). Works with groups, redeeming native traditions and tribal wisdom.


THURSDAY, October 15th, 5 PM US Eastern Time

Claudio Capparelli (Brazil) "Eagle with a Light Heart", Parapsychologist, Shamanic master and healer. Has scientific formation and ample knowledge of practices learned in Brazilian and foreign workshops, in the fields of psychic magic, magnetism, mental power, and exorcism. Lecturer and leader of masculine study groups and shamanic practices, involved in divulgation of redefinition of the masculine, as a representative in Brasilia of the international organization Mankind/New Warriors. Co-founder and member of the Council of UNIPAZ Brasilia. Expert in Past Lives and Time Line therapy.


THURSDAY, October 15th, 6 PM US Eastern Time

Wagner Frota (Brazil) Great student of Shamanism. Founder and member of Clã dos Lobos do Cerrado. He represents the Native from the Andes Initiation Tradition in Brazil. A writer, shamanic healer and sociologist from Brasilia. He travelled within Brazil and out in order to learn and live the different shamanic traditions. He lives traveling to the Andes' mountains, the Brazilian red earth of the Planalto Central, the highlands of Alagoas State and the Serra da Mantiqueira, where he conducts shamanic ceremonies and leads groups to walk the paths of light, freedom and beauty of the Shamanic Sacred Path.


THURSDAY, October 15th, 7 PM US Eastern Time

Tania Ramalho (Brazil) "Hair in the Wind," scholar of native cultures (Shamanic, Mayan cosmology and others), tarot reader, leads shamanic experiences, sacred circle dances and peace dances, therapist trained in naturopathy, Body Therapies specialized in Yoga-Massage Ayurveda, Reiki, Magnified Healing and others. Creator and facilitator of projects E.A.C.H. One (Expansion and Improvement of Human Consciousness), Espaço Semente Cósmica and Itaóca (Therapy Institute, Arts, shamanism, ecology). Participated in several experiences in the therapeutic area, sacred circle dances, dances of peace, Shamanic and environment. Currently promotes Medicine Wheel, Shamanic Journeys, lectures, courses, individual consultations with shamanic therapies, mayan map of self-knowledge, therapeutic tarot, Circular Dances of experiences and others.


THURSDAY, October 15th, 8 PM US Eastern Time

Clêudio Bueno (Brazil) Architect, Sociologist and Political Scientist, Christic Shaman. Due to the awakening of the triple flame, increases and elevates the ascendant forces to the Saint Christic Being, thus having access to the Divine Presence I AM, as well as a communion with It, for a complete enlightment of the human being. He was initiated in the Mojave Desert and in the Church of the Inner Light, Masonic Temple, Los Angeles, California, and follows the PAX groups in various countries since 1993, leading Shamanic workshops since then.


THURSDAY, October 15th, 9 PM US Eastern Time

Menkaika (Brazil) is shaman therapist, tarot reader and researcher of traditional and ancestral medicine systems. She is a guardian of Chanupa Medicine (Sacred Pipe) and organizes Sweat Lodge. She started in the magic system and Andean worldview as the natives Qeros Peru. She works integrating complementary therapy systems, energy release and shamanic techniques. Also leads wheels and female circles and is an expert in Soul Integration therapy. Fonder of Terra Mistica - Shamanism and Spirituality and Space Mystic Earth - Experiences and Therapies Core Shamanic, which performs individual therapeutic care, experiences, courses, healing wheel, conferences and shamanic circles, seeking to unite the ancestral way to contemporary shamanism.


FRIDAY, October 16th , 9 AM US Eastern Time

Jack Silver (Germany) "Rainbow Hummingbird Heart", head of ceremonies, musician, coaching and founder of the Warriors School. He began his shamanic studies in 1990, staying for 13 years in "Sweet Medicine SunDance Path" in the "Deer Trible" in Germany. Constantly visit sacred sites in Colombia, Ecuador and Brazil also had contact with several traditional-medicine people of the United States, notably Lakota, Navajo and Cherokee.


FRIDAY, October 16th, 11 AM US Eastern Time

Taita Oscar Giovanny Quetta Bone Kófan (Colombia) healer, traditional MD, knowledgeable of ancient traditions and also creator of the Yagé medicine, within the traditions of Kófan nation. Working with this medicine since the age of five, today he consider himself a student and apprentice of his uncle Taita Querubin Queta. His works are meditative, focused on the personal deepening and the awakening of the conscience of each one. The prayers, chants and ícaros are used to aid in healing and conduct the ceremony.


FRIDAY, October 16th, 1 PM US Eastern Time

Nelson Neraiel (Brazil) Student of Shamanism and Castañeda's work for the last 36 years. Having chosen this path for his personal journey, he means to share his experiences e discoveries with others. Another important influence is the Brazilian Shamanism through the contact and friendship with Pajé Sapaim Kamayurá. He believes that it is through these techniques and practices that we build our personal legend, living the transformation process represented by the myth of the Plumed Serpent.


FRIDAY, October 16th, 3 PM US Eastern Time

Cesar Scheurich (Brazil) The Mountain Rain is Chief of the Mountain Clan Painted Horses. A visionary, for more than ten years leads shamanic ceremonies honoring and keeping the praying traditions. Medicine Man whose mission is to bring Light to those who look him up.


FRIDAY, October 16th, 5 PM US Eastern Time

Otavio Leal (Brazil) "Prem Dhyan", he is a modern master therapist. Author of books: "Quero mesmo é ser feliz – a essência da felicidade", "Histórias para incendiar a alma Mantra – a metafísica do som", "Maithuna – sexo tântrico, você não sabe o que está perdendo", "O poder da iluminação". "Estilos alternativos do reiki".. He has a radio talk show Satori at the Mundial Radio São Paulo, 95,7FM. And he also works at Humaniversidade Holistic, an enlightening school.


FRIDAY, October 16th, 6 PM US Eastern Time

Cyro Leãoo (Brazil) founder of "Espaço Transformação e do Clã do Búfalo Branco" . he was initiated by shamans from different traditions: Brazilian and North American natives, Kahuna, Inca, Celtic, and Eskimo among other. Rescued his ancestral knowledge and adapted these techniques to the Neo Shamanism, bringing the experiences of forests to the city. He is an active member on several boards and communities linked to culture of peace and cooperation between the religions. He has a degree in psychology and specialized in various techniques of transpersonal, quantum and holistic therapies. He does lectures, courses, workshops and individual assistance in Brazil and abroad, bringing his ancient knowledge.


FRIDAY, October 16th, 7 PM US Eastern Time

Monica Oliveira (Brazil) developed the technique of Sacred Fire – Energy alignment from years of experience. Working since 1998 with the Shaman Dior Allem (as it is now called), initiating the formation of therapists in Energy alignment. After his death, she developed the technique further deepening its therapeutic potential and renaming the name of Sacred Fire. In 2002 she began to travel abroad expanding the work, which is now open in four European countries. Founder of the Núcleo Fogo Sagrado in Rio de Janeiro. She does seminars, workshops, lectures and new therapists throughout various countries such as Germany, Austria, Spain and Italy. She works in Germany with Dr. Ebo Rau, in Heidelberg, the Gesellschaft für Biologische Krebsabwehr (Biological Cancer Institute of Defense). She has a Degree in Physiotherapy with experience in ICU (Intensive Care Center), Orthopedics, reeducation of the Movement in the field of psychosomatic, Respiratory Therapy, Shiatsuterapia, Natural Fitness, muscle balance. For four years, she also has been trained in Tarot (symbology for self-knowledge).


FRIDAY, October 16th, 8 PM US Eastern Time

Mirella Faur (Romenia) It is respected spiritual leader in the movement known as the Sacred Feminine resurgence, return to the Goddess. For over 20 years, created and directed Women Circles in Remanso Chacara in Brasilia, which has become a pole of healing energies (a sacred place) and a birthplace for women who had discovered herself as a whole being, feminine and sacred. After moving out of Brasilia, Mirella formed a circle sacred feminine - Thea Web – doing the same kind of activities of Chacara Remanso, working with study groups, public rituals on full moons and special dates of the year and rites of passage. Author of books "O Anuário da Grande Mãe – Rituais Práticos para Celebrar a Deusa", "O Legado da Deusa – Ritos de Passagem para Mulheres", "Mistérios Nórdicos – Mitos. Runas. Magia. Rituais", "Ragnarök. O Crepúsculo dos Deuses " and "Círculos sagrados para mulheres contemporâneas", as well as numerous articles in national and international publications. This year will be re-launched the new expanded edition of the "Anuário da Grande Mãe," now out of print.


FRIDAY, October 16th, 9 PM US Eastern Time

Sandra Ingerman (USA): MA, is an award winning author of nine books, including Soul Retrieval: Mending the Fragmented Self, Medicine for the Earth: How to Heal Personal and Environmental Toxins and Walking in Light: The Everyday Empowerment of Shamanic Life. Sandra is a world renowned teacher of shamanism and has been teaching for more than 30 years. She teaches workshops internationally on shamanic journeying, healing, and reversing environmental pollution using spiritual methods. Sandra is recognized for bridging ancient cross-cultural healing methods into our modern culture addressing the needs of our times. Sandra is devoted to teaching people how we can work together as a global community to bring about positive change for the planet. She is passionate about helping people to reconnect with nature. Sandra was chosen as one of the Top 10 Spiritual Leaders of 2013 by Spirituality and Health Magazine.

Official Support:

Creator: Samuel Souza de Paula.

Shamanic Wisdom Summit Coordenator: Giuliana Aggiunti

Voice: Eneas Martim Canhadas


Transcription: Andressa Minami, Giuliana Aggiunti, Iara Maria de Carvalho, Izabel Figueiredo, Juliana Souto, Luciana Hori, Marielza Grigori, Melissa Santana, Monica Teixeira, Paulo Tiago, Samuel Souza de Paula, Tamara Elizabeth, Tania Regina Campos.

Text: Samuel Souza de Paula, Giuliana Aggiunti, Eliana Monteiro, Mariliana Pieroni.

XamasConet Team-Translation: Adelia Sylvia Penna Ramos, Adriana Pires, Alan Oliveira, Aline Rosique, Claudio Quintino Crow, Dimitrios Papalexis, Elise Hori, Eritah Neri, Favy Santhos, Flávia Cecília, Françoise Schall-Wakai, Gabriela Clemente, Giuliana Aggiunti, Heidi Baur, Jane Oliveira, Leslie Avila do Brasil, Luiza Manzutti, Marcela Araujo de Melo, Marilia Abadde, Patricia Aguirre, Patrícia Ribeiro, Raquel Caldeira Cioffi, Samuel Souza de Paula.

XamasConet Team-Travels: Alexandre Ferreira, Avelino Capelos, Bo Montenegro, Eliana Monteiro, Giuliana Aggiunti, Nisia Carvalho, Rosa Desideri, Samuel Souza de Paula, Vera Pinheiro, Zezito Duarte.

XamasConet Team-Technology: Melissa Cipoloni, Rafael Zandoná, Samuel Souza de Paula.

Edition: Alexandre Ferreira – AleProduction

In Memory of Elebuibon Ogunbiyi Omobobola.

In Memory of Maria Lucia Bittencourt Sauer, sister of lecturer Carlos Sauer.

In Memory of our friend Melissa Cipoloni's cat Tchutchu.

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